
Spiritual Gifts Part 5: Spiritual Gifts: Before and After

Spiritual Gifts Part 5: Spiritual Gifts: Before and After Jesus' life was different before he was filled with the Spirit and after. Is this just history or a role model for us to imitate?

Spiritual Gifts, Part 4: Spiritual Gifts, Energy and a Gift of Mercy

Spiritual Gifts, Part 4: Spiritual Gifts, Energy and a Gift of Mercy When the Spirit of the Lord endows gifts of the Spirit, you will know you are walking in that gift when you receive energy as you do as the gift leads you to serve. "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you." Acts 1:8

Spiritual Gifts Part 3: Gifts are Given to the Church Community

Spiritual Gifts Part 3: Gifts are Given to the Church Community Spiritual gifts are not given merely to bless a person alone. They are given to a person, so that God may bless a community. They are unselfish, and they are identified by the faithful telling the gifted that they have the gift.

Spiritual Gifts, Part 2: Spiritual Gifts and their Purpose: God and Us Together

Spiritual Gifts, Part 2: Spiritual Gifts and their Purpose: God and Us Together Spiritual gifts are given to bless the many. While individuals receive them, the church that witnesses them occur discover together that God is alive and at work among us.

Spiritual Gifts, Part 1: God Knows What You've Got! And Sometimes, He Tells Others

Spiritual Gifts, Part 1: God Knows What You've Got! And Sometimes, He Tells Others We live as though our actions will not be held to account--and the Bible says they will. This message today is the beginning of a series on how gifts of the Spirit work--and in this case, it was one of those astonishing moments when the Lord revealed something to call forth a different level of faith.

A Tribute to Danny Morris

A Tribute to Danny Morris This is the record of the divine appointment that taught me how to pay attention when God speaks. It is also a tribute to someone who became a great friend, a mentor, and something of a father figure to me...

Urban Legends and Deep Truth Anyway!

Urban Legends and Deep Truth Anyway! Who owns your hands? An urban legend has a kernel of truth--and that truth calls us to be the hands of Christ

A Change of Christmas Heart

A Change of Christmas Heart Two Nativity sets spoke to me in a different way... It changed my heart about this season we call "Christmas"

That Star is INSIDE OUT!

That Star is INSIDE OUT! The Wise Men were actually the practitioners of things that the Bible condemned--astrology, sorcery, and the mystic arts. God turned their magic inside out to get their attention, and brought them to the Christ Child... Of course it turned their world inside out to find Him, and it will turn ours "outside in!"
